Thursday, August 30, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
High Bridges of Ar
The high bridges of Ar are no place for an unescorted woman, free or slave, particularly at night. They have their lure, of course. The view of the city from that height is unrivaled. The pristine Plaza of the Central Cylinder with its thoughtfully-planned, wide avenues provides a stark contrast to the jumble of dark, serpentine roads and alleyways of the meaner warrens of the city. Both can be seen at once from this height. One feels a sense of pride, despite the inequities, for there is diversity and destiny, promise and potential in this, the greatest of cities, the seat of the Empire. There are no rails here. There are no forgivenesses at the precipice. It is a place where uncompromising masters play The Game, shameless Politicos take their bribes, and unrepentant Assassins earn their pay. It is a place for illicit rendevous, scurrilous subterfuge & Chain Luck. It is no place for an unescorted woman. Last night, I commanded a girl to strip. I then beat her.
Posted by Szol of the Poets at 6:37 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Snakes & Favors
Posted by Szol of the Poets at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 17, 2007
A View to a Sale
Last evening was a spectacle, as I anticipated it would be. Arriving late to the House of Tenalion, it was an effort to get past the man at the entrance. In the end, however, Ar is a city of favors like any other city. There are few courtesies that a man with a debauched chain of whores cannot have extended to him. I arrived late to the auction. That was both good and bad. All of the merchandise displayed on the fourth day of the Love Feast at a major auction house will be, doubtless, quality meat. While one might argue that he did not get the best price, he will not be heard bemoaning the quality of the girl. That is the good news. That bad business about arriving late, of course, is that the best seats have already been filled. Some arrive in the early part of the afternoon to claim their spot. There was something about being sixty feet and a hundred rows high that put a perspective on the show, for that is precisely what it is; as concerned with flourish and flair as any production at the playhouse of the esteemed Poet Pentilicus.
Posted by Szol of the Poets at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The Fourth Day
Yesterday's event went off well. The Lady Tia presented a nice table to the people of the Street of Brands District; figs, dates, pastries and the like. It was sufficient, I think, to absolve her debt. She was as I expected hesitant on other matters of business pertaining to the girl, Crumb. Funny name, that. Lovely, little slut, however. She was curious as to why a man with so many beautiful slaves on his chain already would want to add another. I explained the notion in the simplest of terms, equating my business with hers. She is of the Bakers. They bake things. That, in itself, is a good characteristic of their caste if you ask me. Spoken in terms of commerce, she understood readily enough. No matter how delicious the dish you are serving a customer, it always pays to freshen the menu. Lewd, I suppose, but undeniable. I suspect this attempt at purchasing stock will go as the last. Which is to say, she'll likely decline the offer. Purchasing slaves from free women is headache-inducing. Too much politeness in it. You can hardly say, "Saw your hand-maiden there. Nice rack on that one, eh? How much?" And, "Does she squirm well?" is hardly appropriate conversation. Still, I have made inducements, offered a fair price. I trust my instincts well enough to know the girl is a slut without ever having bent her over. I have no doubt she is capable of learning the trade. Some have an aptitude for it, some are more eager than others, but any woman is capable.
Posted by Szol of the Poets at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Discipline; A Public Table
Posted by Szol of the Poets at 6:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
"Fortune Favors the Slutty."
Today is the last day of the fifth Passage Hand.
I left the Boarding House quite early this morning, long before Lar-Torvis rose to signal the start of the festivities. On the table in the great room near the hearth, I left a few bottles of heavily watered wine and a note. It read: "Kajuralia, Slaves."
Posted by Szol of the Poets at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 9, 2007
It occured to the Fishmonger that having subletted his domicile in the District of the Central Cylinder, he would need a place to sleep at night. He also inquired into employment, but I could not get a straight answer as to what it is he proposed to do to earn money. As far as a place to sleep at night, I have offered him a room at Samsara. There is an apartment on the first floor that was occupied by a free woman once. It is used for storage now, but boxes can be moved. He seems eager to pay for the accomodations, even after I explained to him the patronage Samsara enjoys. Though it's lost some of its shine over the years, it was once a home for artisans, both resident and itinerant. Patrons of the Arts see to its upkeep to promote the creativity of the people that choose to live and work there. One cannot be expected to be very creative, for example, if one is laboring at positions of menial labor. His keep, I tried to elaborate, is earned simply by practicing his craft. If he tells stories, for he is a Story Teller, an artisan, a crafter of tales, then he is, in effect, paying his rent inherently. The more people that reside at Samsara, the greater the endowment. While I admire his ethics, his desire to pay his own way and remain without debt, accepting payment for his stay would be unethical on my part.
I really think that Accounting should be the domain of artisans, not Scribes. It is far too creative a science to be fully appreciated by the literalista in Blue.
We should arrive home, for the record, in plenty of time to enjoy the festivities of the Love Feast. It will go on for all five days of the Fifth Passage Hand, with the biggest auctions held during the third and fourth days. Typically, all eyes are on the Curulean on the fourth day, with the choicest of she-prizes vended on the Center Block, which is the largest that I know of in the world. In past years, the fifth day was reserved for general celebrations. Some Administrators and Ubars of the past put on grand spectacles at the Stadium of Blades or the Stadium of Tarns. The elite Players of Ar's high bridges often meet Players from other cities in Kaissa Tournaments, usually offering enough coins to the winner to ensure the fellow needn't worry about his next meal for the next ten years. In general, there is much to feast over. Many of the wine shops and Inns entice people into their doors with generous portions and potent beverages, but public tables are often set up where people may simply 'eat, drink and be merry' as the saying goes. This usually depends on the generosity of the current Administration or, in some cases, will be sponsored by a wealthy Merchant House in hopes of currying favor with the public consumer. It is not uncommon to see even lesser Merchants with a plate of cheese and the offer of a cup coupled with an enticement to consider the fellow's wares. 'Remember Licinius when you run low on Tharlarion Oil!' This sort of thing.
It will be good to be home.
Posted by Szol of the Poets at 8:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Under Lock & Key
I have not had the pleasure of viewing the girls Vesutto has sent south into Ar, entrusted to picked men for safe delivery to the major slaving houses; the Curulean and the House of Tenalion among them. Naturally, when something is kept under lock and key, curiosity grows stronger. They are taken out in groups each evening to exercise, but even then they are kept under a heavy blanket revealing little more than bare heels and slender ankles. After being conducted into the tall grasses to tend to nature's call, they are ushered back into the wagons and shackled up for the evening. This, too, is where they take their suppers. I have not heard them calling out or complaining during the day, so I assume they are either well-disciplined or simply gagged. More likely than not, there are girls that fit either description, some both. It is not uncommon to move a grouping of women in this fashion, somewhat undercover, for a variety of reasons. A few reasons predominate. Firstly, it is not completely safe to travel overland with beautiful women. Raiders from places such as Treve can be tempted to swoop down and relieve you of your property. The Viktel Aria, however, in my experience, is relatively safe. There are patrols. There are outposts. That is not to say that violence and brigandry is not done upon this road, it certainly is, but I have had good fortune traveling it most trips. Another reason one moves a grouping of women in this fashion is simply to keep them in the dark. A girl need not be told where she is headed, whether it is across the street or across the continent. She is a slave. She will be moved where it pleases her betters to move her. Yet another reason is simple pragmatism. Not all women are introduced to their subjugation and submission by conventional means. The daughter of a Scribe could be snatched from the high bridges of her native city, for example. One would not wish to simply walk her to the offices of the municipality and say, "See here. I have decided to make this woman a slave. Do you have a form?" It might be more expedient to throw a rug over her head and travel to another city where the men regard the women of other cities as slaves. They are likely to respond more favorably to producing the necessary documents that make your capture legal. In many cases, if your chain luck was good, you might be made a tempting offer on your fresh catch by the clerk of the city in which you intend to register your ownership. Many of these clerks are men trained in the assesssment of slave girls. They will offer a fair price, something just shy of market value. It is just a hunch, but I suspect the milky tone of heels and ankles I happen to have noticed when I was not paying too close attention means Vesutto is meeting the demand for women 'not long to the collar.' With the number of wealthy citizens of Ar that own property in Venna, I would not be surprised if these 'not long to the collar' women were from prominent families and high castes, returning home somewhat more humbly than they left. Should I find that to be true, I shall endeavor to be appropriately scandalized. However, this is nothing more than idle speculation that I am certain has no basis in truth.
Posted by Szol of the Poets at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Argentum Road
The road to Argentum is deceptively named. It is much more. While it meets its eastern terminal point at the Viktel Aria, traveled west it can deliver a man to the very shores of Thassa. Before reaching Argentum, travelers west might be diverted a number of ways. The lure of the Mighty Vosk or even the Black Sardar can be reached along the Pilgrim Road. That very same road, taken south, puts travelers on the Silk Road, which runs to Torcadino and for those of sturdier sandals, the desert metropolis of Tor and the Tahari Desert. Should a man be determined to continue west, however, the famed Plains of Eteocles and Fields of Hesius will be on his itinerary. The lore of these places has been forgotten to all but the most devout of military scholars and Scribes, but the Issus and Lake Ias are noteworthy as their water is diverted south to Torcadino on their marvelous aqueducts. I have traveled this road and even visited the city of Argentum, famous for its silver mines like its sister city Corcyrus and the more infamous Tharna to the north. Further west along this road lies Brundisium, well known for her sympathies to the Isle of Cos I cannot say my visit there was pleasant. Difficult as it is to believe, the smooth tones and pitch-perfect enunciation of the men of Ar is not welcome in every corner of the world. I found myself speaking very little or, when able, not at all.
Posted by Szol of the Poets at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 5, 2007
I don't really intend to turn much, if any, profit with the small crop of olives and ta-grapes on the hills northeast of Venna. That is not, truly, the goal. With the men under Vesutto's employ tending and harvesting those fields much of the year, I assume I will just break even with the sale of the crops in the local Vennan shoppes. I've arranged for a certain amount to be brought into Ar as well, part of the regular cargo of Merchant Wagons plying their trade to and from Venna along the Viktel Aria. Finally, I've asked Vesutto to distribute a certain percentage of each harvest to the local peasants. There will be a time when I can expect to reap a modest profit from this endeavor, but I do not anticipate it will be for several years. At the moment I am pleased to have the property and the small villa that will soon stand atop it.
Posted by Szol of the Poets at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Impending Transactions
Habib and his caravan are already preparing to depart for Lara before tor-tu-gor rises tomorrow. The tents are being disassembled and the animals readied for the journey. Most telling, however, are the wares of Habib that have started to show up in the shoppes of the Vennan Market. Fine rugs of Tor and the red salt of Kasra are being vended at exhorbitant prices, marked up from the wholesale cost for the eager Vennan public. There are men in Venna. So it goes without saying that the goods most sought after this morning are the swarthy captives from exotic southern locations. Kohl-eyed beauties in their halters and chalwars, veils across their lips. Three or four months prior, these might have been street urts from the meanest warrens & back-alleys of Tor. Now they are the stuff of traveler's tales; perfumed with incense and belled at their ankles. The northern buyer, delighted by the dark eyes and darker hair, will not know the difference between such a girl and the daughters of a sultan or a pasha. Some of them are marketed as women of the Aretai or the Kavar or a hundred tribes vassal to those two. Merchants and Slavers such as Vesutto will sell these women a few at a time, holding back the bulk of their stock to keep the demand (and price) for southern slaves high. Aiding in this endeavor is the penchant for most Vennans to keep such slaves chained in their villas, a possessively guarded pet for their private delectation. Now and again they are seen heeling their well-to-do masters in the markets, carrying his packages. They are women, after all. And slaves. Many of them, however, I suspect are able to extend the mysteries of their origin, employing their wiles for years to obtain indulgences from willing masters behind closed doors. I cannot explain the relative scarcity of such women in the streets of Venna any other way. I know Habib vends his sluts with regularity here, perhaps once every two years. It may be, simply, that they are sold here and then vended abroad. That is another possibility.
Posted by Szol of the Poets at 9:04 AM 0 comments