Sunday, May 13, 2007

Free Women; Women Not Yet Slaves

A woman is a woman. When she is permitted to have her run, to speak out of turn or, indeed, even 'in turn,' as if she were an equal, she is prone to unruly, unfeminine behavior. I speak of slaves, of course, but also of those not yet slaves. Free women, in all their myriad and frustrated form. Lovely bitches, all of them, I am sure, but I am not one to allow a woman her illusions. Oh, they are permitted, those free, those not yet slaves, some indulgence. One must give them their due. They might speak out of turn without incidence now and again. They might exhibit their tempers, pointing their fingers with indignance occasionally. One might even tolerate their flaunting of societal convention and mores to a certain extent. At a certain point, enough is enough. One might gently remind a woman not yet slave, "Mind your tone." One, too, at the incidence of behavior less than proprietous might say, "Do not be shameless. Consider your family."
Of course, not every fellow is patient enough to remind a woman of her place. Some are cruel enough to allow a woman the illusions I find it difficult to abide. They will seek relationships of equality with them. Some, and I have seen this, will accept roles subordinate to them. It is understood, of course, that wealth and caste play their role from time to time. A drover or a sutler or some such fellow might find himself in the employ of a landed female, a woman with an estate and substantial holdings. There are economical reasons for such relationships, logistical considerations and the like. I speak, however, of the fellow that allows himself a subordinate relationship to a woman for other reasons. Perhaps he is attracted to her. Perhaps he wishes to entice her into thinking he is a gentleman, unlike other fellows that are exclusively attracted to slave girls. He, he would have her believe, is interested in a 'real woman,' a 'woman of substance.' He is charmed by her. He is willing to be solicitous for her, ingratiating. He will even be tender, if she would but let him close to her. He is a fool. And on more than one account. Firstly, she wishes, like all women, somewhere deep in her heart, to be the very woman that he claims to have no affinity for. She wishes, like all women, to be that writhing little slut at the foot of a man. In her heart of hearts, she knows that she wishes to lick and kiss her chains - to be permitted to lick and kiss her chains. The entire time he speaks with gentleness, she is wondering how she might manipulate this fellow. She is wondering what she might get away with. And that is the other account that the fellow is a fool. He will allow her to do this to him.

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