The Good Citizen
Last evening, the production of The Good Citizen went off at the Great Theater of Pentilicus Tallux successfully.
It is not common knowledge, but the story is a true one. In the days of the Cosian occupation, the Delta Brigade was not an organized group of dissenters and patriots. There were several independent factions with a common goal, but each was unknown to another. That was, in the end, the greatest strength of the Brigade. The numbers were unknown even to the most dedicated of its followers. Some were mere sympathizers, turning a blind eye to the painting of a delka or perhaps hastily scrawling one themselves, a nervous pulse hammering in their throats. With such a group, however, was the danger of false adherents, agents of the occupation sent to infiltrate the group and assist in the arrest of those that refused to bow to foreign tyranny within the walls of Ar. More than one faction was undermined by the work of such saboteurs. Ferreting out these individual was difficult, but satisfying work. To see it brought to life on the world's greatest stage by actors so competent in their craft was also quite satisfying; a closed chapter.
I've taken the time to work out the accounting. I find myself unable to truly rest until I've buttoned up this last detail. Also, I like numbers. Terribly shameful thing to admit, given my caste, but it is true.
Fifty Seats @ 75 Copper Tarsks = 3,750 C.T
Eighty Five Seats @ 50 C.T. = 4,250 C.T.
Seventy Five Seats @ 40 C.T. = 3,000 C.T.
Two Hundred Seats @ 35 C.T. = 7,000 C.T.
Two Hundred Fifty Seats @ 20 C.T. = 5,000 C.T.
Twenty Seats @ (20 C.T.) = - 400 C.T.
Total 22,600 C.T.
22,600 C.T. = 226 Silver Tarsks
less 40% Gross to House = 90.4 S.T.
less 5% Gross to Vesutto of Venna = 11.3 S.T.
=124.3 S.T. Net
less 10% net to Locutius (12.43 rounded to 13) = 13 S.T.
less 10% net to Quintus = 13 S.T.
less 10% net to Phineahas = 13 S.T.
less 10% net to Alcobiades = 13 S.T.
= 72.3 S.T.
less miscellaneous expense 15 S.T.
Total Profit 57.3 S.T.
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