Tuesday, November 13, 2007


"Post it in the Great Square, Tupita," I said to her, handing the shorn-headed slave that serves my Office the latest document for wide dissemination.
It put a sour taste in my mouth, honestly. I had no choice but to deem the latest tax increases 'reasonable.' I have no evidence otherwise. The city-wide shortage of salt, by definition, is a hardship to the state which allows a recalculation of tax assessments. To suggest, in light of that, the People not forward the amounts demanded, would be to endorse anarchy. Publically, I cannot call for such a thing. Privately, I do not know that it is such a bad idea. I have sincere doubt that the shortage of salt is anything but a strong-arm tactic by the Administration to put the lower castes 'in their place.' Suspecting such a thing and proving it are two very different notions.
Were I a politician, the reversal of my repeal would be a serious blow to my career, but I am not a politician. Nor am I concerned about a lengthy career in politics. I am not trying to curry favor by making empty promises. If there is power to be had in this office, that power belongs to the People this office represents. It does not belong to Szol of Ar. It takes so few whispers, however, to create so many rumors. If I cannot change the tack the Administration has taken, I may be the most convenient source for the People to vent their frustrations upon. For someone with such a dissident past, it is a bitter irony.

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