Saturday, March 8, 2008

Diversionary Tactics

I have decided to ask Locutius to accept one of the parts in the new play, which I have entitled Catch of the Day. It might prove difficult to find him timely, but I have sent word to Vesutto of Venna who seems to have a rather reliable network. He has been able to locate the actor extraordinaire for me in the past. I sincerely enjoyed Alcobiades' performance in The Good Citizen, so it is my hope he can be persuaded to accept the co-lead in the new production. He is of Ar. If he is within the walls and not off performing with some troupe on a dusty trail, it should not prove too taxing to find the fellow. 

I have found myself slipping a little of late, unable to quench certain thirsts, sate certain hungers. The distraction, diversion, whatever one calls it, helps to take my mind away from work-related issues. In the past, I have turned to the bottle to ease the stresses of everyday life, but I do not have the taste for grain alcohols like I once did. I will indulge in a bowl of paga now and again, of course, but I do not miss waking in the morning unable to lift my head from the couch. I am coming to realize, however, that the distraction of soft thighs and a tender throat is still an addiction, an obsession that is far too easy to cede control to. I find that writing, a return to the work of my Caste, rather than the work of the People, is helping to hone my focus. I have been prolific of late, three poems and a play in the last hand or so. 
It is a thin line that divides having control of one's desires and letting one's desires take the reins. 

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