Thursday, January 14, 2010

My two girls

"Where are we going, Master?" she asked me.

"Down this road for a while," I answered. It was not the most helpful of answers, but strictly speaking it answered her question. Mina is a slave. She does not need a detailed itinerary in order to serve.
"Are there others?" she asked. Slaves ask a lot of questions. All of the time. Beating them helps, but nothing short of a gag silences them.
"Others?" I asked.
"Girls, Master. Do you own other girls?"
"Curiosity is not becoming in a kajira," I answered. "You might be beaten for it." It is a common thing to say to an inquisitive girl, and takes less effort than removing one's belt. Still, I was leaving my options open. Tasta, bless her heart, weighed in with a menacing growl and a nudge of her snout against Mina's flank.
"Oh!" she cried.
I own two girls. Tasta is my first girl. And the bitch knows it.

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