Monday, December 3, 2007

I Speak With Tellius the Younger

"Where is Senecus the Younger?" I asked the functionary delivering the day's petitions, applications for license and other various paperwork that I find myself deluged with at the start of each hand. Senecus is the clerk that usually brings such documents.
"He did not report for work today, Magistrate," the man said to me as he turned the documents over for my perusal. His name was Tellius. He was also a 'younger.' His father served as a clerk for a Magistrate of one of the Districts. The Metellan, I think.
"Odd," I noted, thinking little of it at the time. "Tellius?"
"Magistrate?" he asked.
"Slip 1301, northwest corner of the Great Square," I mentioned. "I asked Senecus to keep an eye on the vendor. Did he mention anything?"
"The woman selling herbs and poultices and such?" Tellius nodded. "Yes. Said she seemed harmless enough. The people seem to be curious about her wares."
"Oh. Good to know. Run by Senecus' place later if you are able. Look in on him, would you?" I asked.
"Certainly, Magistrate," he answered.

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