Friday, March 30, 2007

The Cost of Wealth; Darwin; Progress

originally posted November 24, 2006

I had intended to close the Boarding House for a few days while I conducted auditions, thinking they would go smoothly and I would cast the parts in a matter of days, perhaps a hand. While I have cast the part of Julian, the part of Agamedes continues to prove more difficult to cast. There is little question that it is easier for the slaves to earn when they are domiciled in the Anbar, but the idea of trekking back and forth between two homes at this time is daunting. There are only so many ahn in a day. Still. I have men in my employ. Mathor has been forwarded several month's salary and, assuredly, I can expect an expense report when he returns. Darwin, though given a leave of absence, is yet retained at a reduced salary. Phineahas, finally, I forwarded an advance of payment while we prepare for the production. I will have to do so again soon. He cannot sustain himself off of the admiration of Portia, nor keep warm in the evenings from the heated gazes of the Six Girl. While he practices for The Fall, after all, he is not otherwise engaged in the business of earning a living.
I am beginning to see why brothers of my caste disdain the accumulation of wealth. One can live, although not well, with a few copper coins in his wallet and nothing more. And one sleeps quite well at night knowing that where one lays one's head is one's home. I have two domiciles and property north of Venna. The ledgers bearing my name at the Street of Coins are not the ledgers of a Poet. They are the ledgers of a Poet, Playwright & Whoremonger. Perhaps that will be my title when the flyers for The Fall are posted on the Public Boards and the posters are pasted on alley walls and fences:

Szol of Ar: Poet, Playwright & Whoremonger Presents...

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