Have Stories, Will Travel; Contingencies
originally posted February 13, 2007
The Story Teller informed me he was off on a journey at the end of the hand to the Sardar Mountains. It was at this time last year, perhaps a few hands earlier, that I set off. We were well across the Vosk, as I recall, at the time of The Waiting Hand. I did not ask him, but I assume he intends upon attending the En'Kara Fair. If he intends upon traveling through Venna, I will send word to Vesutto to expect him. The Fall of Agamedes is enjoying its fourth run there. No doubt he will be asked to reprise his roll of Julian on the smaller stage. Of course, I am getting ahead of myself. It is quite possible he will travel along the Eastern Road to Torcadino, taking the path north to the Sardar from there, rather than starting off along the Viktel Aria.
Of interest as well, he wishes me to look in upon his apartment in the District of the Central Cylinder. Apparently there are things that will need to be watered. A bred girl named Talender? He mentioned that it would delivered soon and required some tending. I admit I was rather tired and I may have misheard some of the details. In any event, that might raise some eyebrows, Szol of the Poets in the District of the Central Cylinder, apparently taking residence. I suppose they are flummoxed enough with an itinerant, fish-mongering, story-telling, actor from the Genesian Coast having the means and ways to own property in the very midst of higher society of Ar, but the circumstances of his ascendancy are already on the lips of gossips in the taverns and on the street corners city-wide.
This whole business, the actor taking his leave, will alter the course of my writing. I had some specifics in mind with regard to the lead character, for which he would have been uniquely suited. I will put those notes aside and start the process anew. If I am not able to follow up The Fall with another production featuring Phineahas, who won the audience's acclaim, perhaps I will send word to Locutius, Larl of the Gorean Stage.
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