Saturday, March 31, 2007

I Reacquaint Myself with Mathor of Ar; Darwin is Relieved; Portia Gets Another Girl

originally posted February 9, 2007

Last evening, I was pleased to make the reacquaintance of Mathor of Ar. He has been off collecting something that was stolen from me for quite some time. It was good to see him again. Darwin, I think, might have been equal parts pleased to see the man and relieved to see him as well. Darwin is a competent, hard-working sort, but he comes from a family of Clothworkers. Thankfully, he's been accepted by the men of Ar in the Garment District and, too, accounted himself well with weapons under the tutelage of Mathor. Still, I think he would rather be enjoying a drink, discussing the methods and means of his Caste than standing guard outside the red doors, fending off the drunk, depraved and defeated. He does not complain, however. There are fringe benefits for a fellow guarding a whore house.
It was also pleasant to see Tasta again. I do not think that there is any shame in admitting that I am fond of her. She is the First Girl of the Boarding House. She keeps her charges in line. And as fearsome a six-legged monster as she is, I am not unfond of petting her about the top of the head or tugging on her ear now and again. She seems to like it. I am not averse to indulging her. She works hard as I have mentioned, and, too, she does not seem inclined to eat me. Of all the excellent traits she possesses; tenacity, loyalty, a general good nature, the inclination not to eat the Poet is amongst my favorite.
Oh, and I beat a girl last evening. She was due a beating. I put her in Portia's charge.
"You have an arrangement with Six," I informed the black girl. I was well aware that my Six Girl had submitted herself to Portia's domination. I was not averse to the politics of girls. It would be, in fact, good for Six. And I thought it would be good for the girl I had just beaten as well.
"Yes Master," she admitted, a lump forming in her throat. She had no intention of lying to me. She is not a stupid whore.
"You also have an arrangement with that one," I told her, nodding to the girl I had just beaten. "Generate a list of chores, put her to work until I decide what is to be done with her."
"Yes Master," the girl repeated.
"Give her a name, too, if it pleases you," I directed.
Though I have not decided what to do with her, it is good to have the girl once called Jenny where she belongs. I own her.

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