Saturday, March 31, 2007

Public Service

originally posted January 29, 2007

I own women who generate income. The incentive for their production is simple. It pleases me to feed, clothe and house them so long as I have a compelling reason to do so. It is a vicious circle, however. If they do not earn, they are not fed. If they are not fed, their bodies will not remain within the parameters I have mandated. If their bodies do not remain within the parameters I have mandated, they will cease to be pleasing and I will no longer have a compelling reason to feed, clothe or house them. Absolute Obedience. Exquisite Beauty. Two rules. Manifold import. While it is true that not all the slaves serve in the same capacity, they all earn. And each depends upon the other to do what is expected of her. They are individuals, of course, but they also retain the characteristic of a single entity. What one does (or does not do) affects the others.
It occured to me to suspend the 'day of respite' for two slaves, Portia and Six Girl. I cannot recall what sent my whim in that direction, but it is not important. They were each directed to offer themselves to the first two fellows who happened upon them in the Insula of Achiates for an ahn- courtesy of the Poet Szol. When a fellow gives back to the community that supports him, he fosters a favorable opinion of himself from his peers. Should I campaign or simply offer a complimentary comfort to the lower castes now and again? I loathe the idea of a political life, but I wonder at the same moment if dissidence and the delka are enough? Am I, Szol of the Poets, not 'of the people?'

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