Friday, March 30, 2007

The Garment District; The Scent of a Woman

originally posted October 30, 2006

I closed the Boarding House for the time being. Much of my time is spent at the Great Theater lately and it is convenient to keep the women in one spot. The profit will not be as great, as they will have to earn their coins without the benefit of a place to entertain the men they seduce, but I do not expect it will be too devastating a loss. They are intelligent girls. At this point, if they start to notice less gruel in their bowls or, worse, an empty kettle where gruel used to thicken, they will be inspired to a greater work ethic.
Mathor and Darwin deserve the time off as well. I do not know what theWarrior will fill his days with, nor would I be foolish enough as to inquire into his business, but I can well imagine the Clothworker hard at work discovering the bounty a city such as Ar has to offer. I wonder if he will not find the urge to seek out brothers of his Caste; the Garment District features some of the finest fellows of his ilk that Gor has to offer. 'In the fashion of Ar', literally, is spawned from these streets. I will send Joy there with Portia in the coming hand. I have a 'Julian' who needs to be fitted in a black tunic. Soon, I will have an 'Agamedes'.
In the meantime, though the Boarding House is closed for business at the moment, I have business here. With a sleen. She is excited to be back in the Anbar, no matter how short the visit. Of all the places I have taken her, from Ar to Torcadino to Jort's Ferry, the very base of the Sardar, this is home to her. She has been permitted in every room. Every nook and every cranny are known to her. Save one room. Save the nooks and crannies within. Most of us have been in there. I have been in there, on occasion. One of us, those that have called the Boarding House a home or place of business over the last few years, has spent far more time in that room than the rest of us. Call it an experiment. I wonder how keen, how acute this furry bitch's senses are. I know that she has longed to be in this room before. Her claw marks mar the paint. I have seen her with her haunches up trying to futilely burrow her snout beneath the door. You can imagine her excitement when I opened the door to the office.

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