Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Unpleasant Things

originally posted March 16, 2007

I remember the unpleasant things. The things I no longer speak of. The things I no longer write of. I remember them because they are not to be forgotten. They have had their part in making me what I am today, in how I have grown and will continue to grow, and in what I will become. There are delightful events in life and even ambivalent ones that have their role in shaping men, but it is the unpleasant ones that leave a lasting mark, a scar so to speak. Though I do not speak of them, though I do not write of them, I remember them. They are a part of me that cannot be taken from me, that I will not allow to be taken from me. I am Szol of the Poets, he is also a playwright and whoremonger, a land-owner and candidate. An advocate and dissenter. A patriot and dissident. My low caste origins do not limit my upward mobility. And the unpleasant things, those tragic and painful things, those things left unwritten and unsaid, have all played their part.

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