Saturday, March 31, 2007

Five of Eight

originally posted February 26, 2007

I've completed five scenes of the next play. I believe there will be seven, possibly eight by the time I am finished. There are a few possibilities for the ending. The eventual length of the production will depend on the alternative I choose. I know that it will be set in the Insula of Achiates and features two principals, as did the last play. There will be two, possibly three other minor roles as well. As I will be taking on more actors, I intend to speak with Vesutto about accepting a lower cut. He did quite well with the take from The Fall of Agamedes at the Great Theater and continues to reap a healthy profit from the smaller scale productions in the playhouses of Venna. Perhaps he will be amenable to adjusting the terms of our business. His influence and financial backing, however, are substantial enough that I won't push the issue too far.
I have a part in mind for Phineahas, but I have not seen the fellow very often in the past few hands. I imagine it has to do with his freckle-nosed girl or the increased call for his story telling since his performance upon the Great Stage. Or perhaps each has a part in his absences of late. Still, I think it would be mutually beneficial to us both to have him follow up his performance upon the worn wood of the Tallux soon. I will make the effort to speak to the fellow in the next few days.
Achiates, or should I say the fellow managing his interests, by the way, was agreeable to using the specific location in the production. I think that he found the idea of his run-down tenements being featured, at least by name, on the world's finest stage, an excellent notion. No doubt, if the play is a success there will be interest in those apartments that tower above the District of the Alley of the Slave Brothels of Ludmilla. In the same manner that fellows of High Caste make the effort to visit the Red Doors of the Boarding House in the Anbar, simply to boast that they've spent an ahn between the thighs of one of the Poet's whores, I imagine that Achiates will find himself a slight boost in itinerant and tourist revenues from having his establishment's name on the lips of those who would otherwise have no cause to mention it.
"I have stayed in the Insula of Achiates, which was featured in a play by Szol of the Poets, which was produced upon the stage of the Tallux Theater. In Ar," you could imagine fellows saying. Or perhaps it is only me thatimagines such things. Still. Visualizing one's goals is the surest way to achieving them. It is a first step at any rate.

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