Friday, March 30, 2007

An Invoice for Payment submitted by Tromsø of Hammerfest

Deliver to:
Szol of the Poets
House Samsara
Aulus Street
District of the Theater of Pentilicus Tallux

19th Day of the Ninth Month10,156 C.A.

Esteemed Poet,

I have been directed by Mathor of Ar to forward this invoice for payment to your person. Please remit two silver tarsks at your earliest convenience to compensate for services I have rendered on your behalf. As per Mathor of Ar's instruction, I have gladly discounted the cost of my services and, also per instruction, would like to greet you with a spirited 'Hail Ar!'. An itemized list of charges are as follows:

For Medical Attention Given to Kord of Port Kar:
Broken ribs (4), tape - 42 Copper Tarsks
Seventeen stitches, facial laceration - 24 Copper Tarsks
Set broken arm (2), cast, splints, bandages - 63 Copper Tarsks
Various dental work - 61 Copper Tarsks
Administrative, clerical - 10 Copper Tarsks

Thank you for your patronage,
Tromsø, Caste of Physicians
House of Tromsø

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