Sunday, March 25, 2007

The House of Clark

originally posted April 11, 2006

We are guests, Vesutto and I, in the House of Clark.
Our respective retinues; guardsmen, retainers, slaves and the like, have also been admitted past the ornate gates and exquisitely tended gardens of his court. It is difficult to put into words the majesty of this fellow's holding. Samsara, The Boarding House, even the field of dina flowers I own in Venna, all of it, could fit comfortably within the gates of his courtyard. In the manner that the Curulean is, in effect, a City within the City of Ar, the House of Clark is fortress within the fortress that is the City of Thentis. Alternating rows of blue veminium and delicate, yellow talendars pay tribute to the Caste of Slavers. I am not certain that the talendar can survive on its own at such an altitude, but doubtless there are men in the House's employ, gardeners, horticulturalists and the like, that provide the added tending necessary. At any rate, the yellow seems incredibly vibrant beside the deep blue hues of the northern veminium. There are several fountains of white marble, a few even rivaling that of Hesius near Ar's Central Cylinder in both size and opulence. The House of Clark in Thentis is known the world over. One has little trouble believing it.
Within, the walls of the anteroom are high. Pennons from every major city, and some minor cities, stream down to greet guests. This is a House of Thentis, yes, but it is in another sense a House of Gor. Each pennon represents a City that has visited the House of Clark. I was not the first of Ar nor was Vesutto the first of Venna. Both pennons already hung, diffusing the warmth of afternoon Tor-tu-Gor onto the white marble of the floors. I felt proud to see my city represented as did, I am certain Vesutto. Neither of us spoke for a moment. The man of Clark, patient fellow he was, gracious host, allowed us a moment in the sunlit anteroom to consider the pennons of our respective cities. I gather it was not the first time a visitor felt compelled to pause.
My room is well-appointed. I have been provided a large couch and plush furs. There are conveniences provided such as writing utensils and paper goods. Also, there are several bottles of wine. Among them, bringing a quiet smile, are the vintages of Ky Surnoft and the Lady Ashel. Fresh fruit, recently misted, awaits on a low table as do several varieties of cheeses. Of course, the basics are there as well. Several iron rings foot the couch and before them are coiled neatly the chains to restrain lovely slave animals. There are three varieties of slave whip hung neatly on one wall including a wide strap, a five-bladed kurt and, presumably for its psychological affect on a girl, a snake. Other things, such as a variety of cuffs, cords and other devices of restraint are there as well. Suffice it to say, my room is well-appointed. Appropriate to my every anticipated need. Clark of Thentis is an excellent host.
The girls, other than Joy, by my request, have been given a more spartanly appointed compartment just down the hall from my own. During the day, I have offered the service of Portia, Emily, Nirah, Samantha and Six to the House. They have been provided with house tunics, red in color, that denote the level of use I have deemed acceptable by the men they encounter in the House; which is unrestricted. Their workdays will not be long, perhaps ten to twelve ahn. I expect them to be bathed and fresh, combed and pretty, when I see them at the end of each day. The girls She and Elise, too, have been offered. They have been provided with white house tunics. This, too, denotes the level of use I have deemed acceptable. Joy will remain with me or chained in the compartment I have been provided at my convenience.
Of note - the girls Phais, Tellia and Elsa, the matched trio of dancers we encountered at the Sardar Fair, were given to me for the duration of the stay. I thought it a phenomenal indulgence and, as their temporary owner, had them delivered to the compartment provided to Mathor. It is a small token of appreciation, a small gesture, but one I think the stoic guardsmen will enjoy; three blonde, gold-collar girls.

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