Saturday, March 24, 2007

I Inform A Girl

originally posted March 28, 2006

"There are ninety nine others. They have come from as far as Ianda," I told her. "There are girls from the northern plains and the southern plains, from Ko-ro-ba and Turia."

"Three come from Thentis, Clark's personal chain," I informed her. "Six are from the Tor and the Tahari region. Sulemein Pasha brings Fateemah who dances at the Oasis of Nine Wells."

"How many from Port Kar?" she asked.

"At least four. Sucha from the Filthy Urt is among them," I told her.

"How many from Ar?" she asked."Eight. Yourself included," I answered.

"Emily will cut them all down," I told her. "Emily will not lose my silver tarsk."

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